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Top 5 digital marketing trends in 2021

Jun 4, 2021 | digital marketing

 The COVID-19 waves affected organizations worldwide. They have experienced a big hit in terms of business growth. A lot of things have changed now. People changed the way they used to shop earlier. Going to malls or shops to buy this at this point is too risky. Shoppers are effectively buying things online. So organizations have also changed their way of staying connected with their customers and have gone online.

In 2021, innovative digital marketing trends are the top priorities for most business owners. If you want to be competitive in today’s online panorama, you need to adapt to the swiftly emerging changes in digital marketing. That is the only way to stay competitive.

If you are not aware of the digital marketing trends of 2021, then this article is the right piece of information to update yourself with trends. Let’s have a look at “Top 5 digital marketing trends in 2021.”

 Progressive web apps (PWAs)

The first name on my list is Progressive web apps (PWAs). This digital trend started in 2018 with a big name in the industry like The Financial Times, Twitter, Flipkart, Wikipedia. And the results are too good. You might be wondering about PWAs. PWAs are nothing but web apps that use developing web browser APIs and peculiarities and conventional progressive enhancement strategies. It brings a native app-like user experience.

Treebo has also launched a progressive web app. And you know what? There is a fourfold hike in the conversion rate. Isn’t it amazing? There are other names like Petlove, who launched PWA and enjoyed a 2.8x growth in conversion rate and website time. Why is PWA so successful? The progressive web app can provide your desired results due to its unique features; Secure contexts (HTTPS), one or more Service Workers, and a manifest file.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has already taken over many simple jobs. It is going to become the soul of global business and industry in the coming years.

 The big names like Microsoft and Uber have Knightscope K5 robots. They use these robots to patrol parking lots and large outside areas to predict and stop crime. The fantastic thing is that you can rent out R2-D2-like robots for $7 hours. The cost is then a human security guard’s pay.

Did you know that 42% of marketers think they are pretty crummy at segmentation for digital experiences? It isn’t easy to track people’s preferences. Yet, marketers need to know their audience to be in the race.

The proper use of Artificial Intelligence can help us to optimize and improve digital marketing strategies. Artificial Intelligence has a lot to offer. It gives marketers the ability to obtain relevant insights into user behavior, campaign performance, and review to optimize their digital marketing campaigns and overall interaction with customers.


The third digital trend of 2021 is chatbots. Chatbots will continue to be an indispensable part. They help brands to increase sales, reduce costs, and automate support. Chatbots helps to engage with their customers and create better customer relationships. Companies know the efficiency of chatbots. As per an Oracle survey of 2016, one or more brands out of three say customers and potential customers prefer to make a purchase or fix service issues without speaking to a human, if possible.”

Did you know around 75-80% of sales and marketing leaders have already used chatbots to engage with their customers or prepared to do so by 2021? Chatbots use AI & natural language. It helps to learn about human desires and leads them to their desired results with as small work for the end user as possible. Let me give an example of an exciting and valuable form of AI, automated web push notifications of the Frizbit brand.

Google Ads Smart Bidding

The organic reach on social media starts choking gradually. There is extreme competition on social media. And the most trusted force in 2021 is paid advertising. To stand out, the Smart Bidding feature on Google Ads is a great option, and you must give it a try.

In Google Ads, there is a kit of automated bid strategies that use machine learning to maximize conversions. There are five distinct Smart Bidding strategies, and each approach prioritizes a particular conversion goal. Let’s have a look.

  • Maximize Conversions: In Maximise Conversions, strategy bid is optimizing to maximize conversions within the budget.
  • Target ROAS: In Target ROAS, your bids optimize to reach your target return on ad spend from your budget.
  • Target CPA:  In Target CPA, your bids optimize to maintain your target cost-per-action from your budget
  • Target impression share:  Bids are set to show your ad at the top of the page.
  • Enhanced cost-per-action: In enhanced CPC, your maximum CPC optimizes to maximize conversions.

Influencer marketing

One of the speediest developing customer acquisition channels is influencer marketing. Even it is banging organic search, paid search, and email marketing. Can you believe it? It is true. Influencer marketing is also economical.

Did you know that around 50% of businesses acquired a quality customer from influencer marketing? If you want to collude with the best influencers, it will cost you a little higher than usual. You should do some research before spending anything on influencer marketing and pick the best fit as per your budget.

In today’s time, the wheel of a technological revolution is moving fast. Innovations like Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality made brands capable of handling digital customers better.

Customers made clear about their preferences of online and mobile dealing. Now it’s time to decide whether businesses want to push themselves further from real-life human interactions into high-level, digitized self-service.

In the past few years, internet shopping has had tremendous expansion. You might not be aware, but several brands are hiring digital marketing companies to stay ahead with new digital strategies. Besides these five digital trends, there are other digital trends also that you can check and keep yourself updated.

As entrepreneurs and marketers, if you want to thrive in this period of fickle market changes, you must consider these digital trends to be competitive in 2021.


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