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Google Ads Optimization: Here’s How to Improve Your Campaign

Jul 11, 2023 | Google Ads Sydney

It is easy, thanks to Google Ads, to place advertisements in the results pages of the leading search engines. On the other hand, it is much more difficult to maintain profitable and effective campaigns. It is only by optimizing your Ads campaign that your chances of success in SEA (Search Engine Advertising) will be higher. Regularity is particularly important in this area. Depending on the business model, it is necessary to set up a budget allocated to clicks by distributing it daily on indicators such as the conversion rate, the cost per click (Cost Per Click or CPC), but also the return on investment(ROI), i.e., the return on invested capital.

But how to interpret these data? And what are the other central points to take into account beyond the budget allocated to clicks to optimize Google advertising Perth campaign?

Achieve your goals by adopting the right bidding strategy

The success of a Google advertising Wollongong campaign depends heavily on how bids are set up. As we have already mentioned, there are a plethora of indicators to check the effectiveness of a strategy. Before jumping to conclusions, it is important to define the targets your campaign wants to reach. There are four possible scenarios:

  • Maximizing clicks: The campaign aims to make your website more accessible. Any conversions then only play a minor role. For this reason, it is possible to fit a lot of cheap keywords into it. Indeed, they may have the effect of improving traffic, but they will not encourage visitors to take action.
  • Maximize conversions: For this scenario, your ads should drive people to engage, such as buying from your online store. For this, it is essential to follow the browsing habits of Internet users. This will allow you to align your maximum average bid with your conversion rate.
  • Profit maximization: This is also about conversions. However, there is no question of highlighting all the keywords that are potentially conducive to conversion. Only a few are enough to maximize your profit.
  • Development of your brand awareness: this objective is rarer, but the fact remains that a Google Ads campaign can also allow the development of a brand. In this case, there is the cost-per-thousand impressions bidding strategy (vCPM or Cost Per Mille viewable), with which you only pay when your ad is considered viewable by potential customers. This is only available if you choose to broadcast on the Google Display Network.

The approaches listed above demonstrate that a comprehensive bidding strategy is impossible. It is also unlikely to find uniform evaluation methods to optimize your Google advertising Melbourne campaign. If the accent is placed on the optimization of clicks, their development must be related to the cost per click (Cost per Click, CPC). When it comes to maximizing conversion, these are focal points. If you want to double your profit, your best tool will be ROI. To better adapt your auctions, don’t forget to select the “manual auctions” option when setting up your campaign.

Optimize Google Ads by setting up your campaign.

The many parameters of a Google Ads campaign play a big role in the results of your ads. First, you will be prompted to select the type of campaign you would like. The search network with selective display is set by default. However, due to the opposed concepts of campaigns, we advise you to choose a single solution, such as the Google search network with the parameter “all features”. Other decisions to be made are:  

  • Device settings: All ads appear on eligible devices. You can also define whether these should be mobile-optimized or not. In addition, it is possible to define individual bid strategies for different types of machines.
  • Geographies and languages: For your ads to be relevant, it is essential to define their language as well as the geographical zones where they will be active. For example, analyze in advance if your ad will have more luck in a specific area thanks to its postal code. It is possible to change the result in Google Ads optimally thanks to the location options.
  • AdExtensions: If this option is available to you, then add functionality to your ad. Google Ads allows, for example, to add site links, specify geographical information or even create a snippet or an evaluation.
  • Duration: To manage your budget optimally, it is essential to plan your ad. It is by defining exactly the days and times when your ad will be visible that you will be sure to reach your target.
  • GoogleAds: In the settings, you can determine precisely how much budget you want to spend on your campaign or how the CPC should be determined

Keyword set optimization

Thanks to the Keyword Planner tool, the features of which are presented in our digital guide, Google Ads is one of the most powerful tools on the web. By creating sets of keywords, this software lays the foundations for the success of Google advertising Sydney campaigns on the Net. This first step is tedious and requires meticulousness, but it forms the first step in any successful strategy. Without this regular analysis, Google Ads cannot be optimized. So require data on your keywords periodically (costs, impressions, average positions, etc.) and eliminate poorly performing keywords from your campaign.

These configurations require regular maintenance. If your budget is limited, it is advisable at the beginning of your campaign to bet on types such as “exact keyword” and “exact phrase”. Nevertheless, types such as “broad match” or even “modified broad match” are to be preferred in the long term. Thanks to the latter, your ads are shown on search results that do not match 100 per cent with the theme in question. In this case, it is advisable to make use of the possibility of defining negative keywords that will be excluded from the search.  

Improve the quality of your ads.

An optimal bidding strategy accompanied by high-quality keywords is essential to the success of an online marketing Sydney campaign. However, in principle, only the SEO of your ad is to your advantage. The texts and the structure of your advertising message are primarily responsible for generating clicks or conversions, and they require just as much attention. Here are the essentials to be done to improve the quality of your ads:

  • Set up a main keyword that will appear in the title and at least once in the body of the text;
  • Formulate a significant message which, for example, answers a question or solves a problem;
  • Create a Call to Action (CTA);
  • Form ad extensions such as snippets or even ratings.

Regularly check the SEO of your ads, especially if you use the tips we have listed above and if you optimize your sets of keywords. Be sure when creating your ad to stay in line with Google Ads guidelines.


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